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Horse training

Horse training

The Chesnaye stud farm offers optimal conditions for the proper development of horses.

A tailor-made follow-up is set up for each horse by qualified and involved staff. They live in a peaceful atmosphere where they are provided with a tailor-made diet developed in close collaboration with our veterinarians and dieticians. In addition, constant attention is paid to the quality of the forage regularly analyzed as well as to the maintenance of the boxes.


Veterinarian, farrier, osteopath or dentistry, the partners of the Chesnaye stud farm have been rigorously selected in order to benefit from the best expertise, and this for many years in a climate of trust. This has enabled us to establish unique techniques and technologies available to our residents such as medical bioresonance, the study of soils and quarries or even physiological trimming.


A large number of horses produced at Haras de la Chesnaye are currently competing in international competitions at the highest level.

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Rider training

The profession of professional rider is above all a passion for the animal combined with a competitive spirit. The heart of its activity is also the promotion of the horse and the sporting event. Disciplined, persevering and attentive to his ride, it is above all necessary to progress, well surrounded, in a suitable environment. Haras de la Chesnaye provides its riders with first-class infrastructure and training provided by Gregoire Oberson, trainer and former rider member of the Swiss jumping team. Jointly, objective planning, management optimization, daily horse work and physical maintenance are set up.


Many great champions train regularly in our facilities. Training at Haras de la Chesnaye is the guarantee of a fundamental and structured development for any rider wishing to progress.

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We provide top quality infrastructure. Maintenance, hygiene and safety are essential for us to the good development of the activity.


Are accessible to the Jumping practice:

  • 51 boxes (4x3.5) with exterior windows

  • 2 Normandy drainage quarries (4500m2 / 4800m2)

  • 1 indoor arena ()

  • 1 gallop track 500m with slope in PSF

  • 1 walker 6 horses covered

  • 2 rounds of loin

  • 9 outdoor paddocks

  • 5 saddlery and 2 heated laundry rooms

  • Cement sand bridle paths

  • Shower rooms and grooming rooms

  • Heavy goods vehicle and small truck parking

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Haras de la Chesnaye, All rights reserved

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